Dr. Ashish Kumar Sharma
Assistant Professor
Qualification : B.Tech, M.Tech (VTU Belgaum), PhD (BITS-Pilani Rajasthan)
Specialization : Communication Systems
Qualification : B.Tech, M.Tech (VTU Belgaum), PhD (BITS-Pilani Rajasthan)
Specialization : Communication Systems
B.Tech, M.Tech (VTU Belgaum), PhD (BITS-Pilani Rajasthan)
Communication Systems
Teaching : 10 Years Research : 4 Years Industry: 2 years
Graduate Level | : | Electromagnetic Field Theory, Communication System Engineering, Satellite Communication, Optical Fiber Communication, Basic Electronics, Radar and TV Engineering |
Post Graduate Level | : | Electromagnetic Interference and Compatibility Advance Antenna Engineering RF& Microwave Solid State Devices |
RF-MEMS Devices Microstrip Patch Antennas Reconfigurable Antennas
Ph. D. Candidates | : | 01 (Awarded) 02 (Ongoing) |
M. Tech. Candidates | : | 08 |
Awards and Honors:
1. DST Travel Grant Award: forProgress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium - Spring (PIERS) Saint Petersburg, Russia May 22-25 2017. “An Investigation of Pattern and Frequency Reconfigurable Microstrip Slot Antenna Using PIN Diodes” authored by N. Sahu, and A. K. Sharma.
2. Best Student Paper award in 2nd IEEE Student conference Engineering and Systems (SCES),MNNIT Allahabad, INDIA, April 12-14, 2013 for paper entitled "Switching time analysis for non-uniform serpentine flexure based RF-MEMS switches.", authored by Ashish kumar Sharma, Navneet Gupta.
3. Senior Research Fellowship Award: Council scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi, INDIA has been selected for Senior Research Fellowship (SRF). (jan-2014).
4. Student Travel Grant Award in IEEE international conference at ECTI-CON-2014, Suranaree Univ. of Tech., NakhonRatchasima, Thailand 2014 for paper entitled "Impedance Matching for RF- MEMS Based Microstrip Patch Antenna", authored by Ashish kumar Sharma, Navneet Gupta, by Association of Electrical Engineering/ Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology Thailand (ECTI Thailand).
5. TEQIP-II seed grant award in may 2016 at Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology Burla.
Invited Talk
1. Ashish Kumar Sharma, “Radar-Based Unobtusive Monitoring System” at Recent Research Developments and Challenges in Communication and Navigation Technologies, Department of ECE, UCE, Osmania University Hyderabad India
2. Ashish Kumar Sharma, “Fractal Antennas” at Recent Trends in Antenna Analysis and Design (RTAAD-2017), Dept. of Electronics& Telecom VSSUT Burla15-20may 2017.
3. Ashish Kumar Sharma, “MEMS Switches for RF Applications” at Modern Trends & Advances in Communication Systems & VLSI (MTACSV), Dept. of Electronics & Telecom VSSUT Burla 04-09 Jan 2016.
4. Ashish Kumar Sharma, “Earth Magnetic storm and Human Society” in All India Radio during Yuv-vani program at All India Radio at Faizabad (U.P.) Station on 12 march 2005.
Workshops Attended
Present Address : Dept. of E&TCE, VSSUT, Burla Sambalpur Odisha 768018 |
Permanent Address : S/o Manohar Lal Sharma Village: Milak Bamanpuri, Post BarhePura, Via Senthal Dist. Bareilly. U.P. 243407 |