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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Dr. Bikramaditya Das

Assistant Professor(On Lien)

Qualification : B.Tech (BPUT, Rourkela in 2007), M.Tech (NIT, Rourkela in 2010), Ph.D (VSSUT, Burla in 2016)

Specialization : Wireless Communication, Adaptive Control, Control of Underwater Vehicles, ROBOTICS

B.Tech (BPUT, Rourkela in 2007), M.Tech (NIT, Rourkela in 2010), Ph.D (VSSUT, Burla in 2016)

Wireless Communication, Adaptive Control, Control of Underwater Vehicles, ROBOTICS

12 years of Teaching Experience at VSSUT, Burla

Graduate Level : Analog Communication Technique, Digital Communication Technique, Network Analysis and Synthesis, Analog Electronics Circuit, Digital Electronics Circuit
Post Graduate Level : Mobile Computing, Radio Wave Engineering, Advanced Communication Techniques

Wireless Communication, Adaptive Control, Control of Underwater Vehicles, Network Control Systems, Ultra Wideband (UWB) Communication, ROBOTICS, IoT

Ph. D. Candidates : 02 (Completed) 03(Ongoing)
M. Tech. Candidates : c12 (completed) & 01 (ongoing)
  1. Principal Investigator, of AICTE- MODROB “MODERNIZATION OF COMMUNICATION LABORATORY” Project Amount :-Rs 7.97 lacs
  1. "Awareness Program for Creation and Management IPR" Technology Information, Forecasting & Assessment Council, on February 01, 2013,  by Department of Science & Technology to look ahead in technologies, India.
  2. “Recent Advancements in Signal and Image Processing (RASIP)” at VSSUT, Burla, Odisha, India from 24th – 29th June 2013.
  3.  “Awareness Workshop on National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL)”on September 27, 2013, by TEQIP-II, VSSUT, Burla.
  4. “Use of Virtual Instrumentation in different Engineering domain” sponsored by TEQIP-II, 17th – 18th April 2015, VSSUT, Burla.
  5. "Intellectual Property & Innovation Management in University" sponsored by National Research Development Corporation (NRDC) and TEQIP-II, 27th November 2015, VSSUT, Burla.
  6. QIP sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Intelligent Robotics, Control & Communication” 4th -9th April 2016, VSSUT, Burla.
  7. QIP sponsored Faculty Development Programme on “Distributed Estimation and Control in Networked Systems”, 6th -11th Feb 2017, VSSUT, Burla.
  • Professor-in-charge, Guest House, VSSUT, Burla (31.12.2012 to 22.12.2016)
  • Professor-in-charge, IPR CELL, VSSUT, Burla Burla (01-05-2012- till now)
  • Member in Conducting Examination Committee, VSSUT, Burla (30-07-2015- 30-12-2017)
  •  C.T.O, NCC, VSSUT, Burla (27.07.2012 to 30.07.2017),
  • Asst. Warden, Vasistha Hall of Residence, VSSUT, Burla (31.01.2013- 22.08.2015)
  • Professor-in-charge Seminar, Electronic society, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, VSSUT, Burla (01-02-2012- till now)
Present Address : 
Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Sidhhibihar, Burla. Sambalpur, PIN: 768018 Odisha
  Permanent Address : 
AT-Mangalpur, PO-Nishintakoel, PS : Salipur, DIST-Cuttack, Odisha