ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Harish Kumar Sahoo


Qualification : B.E. (Utkal University), M.Tech. (N.I.T. Rourkela), Ph.D. (Engineering) (Sambalpur University)

Specialization : Electronic Systems & Communication, Adaptive Modeling and Estimation, MIMO Wireless Communication

B.E. (Utkal University), M.Tech. (N.I.T. Rourkela), Ph.D. (Engineering) (Sambalpur University)

Electronic Systems & Communication, Adaptive Modeling and Estimation, MIMO Wireless Communication

  1. Teaching: 19 Years
  2. Research: 13 Years

Graduate Level : Analog Communication, Digital Communication, Wireless Communication , Computer Communication and Networks
Post Graduate Level : Advanced Digital Communication, Adaptive Signal Processing

Channel Estimation and Equalization in MIMO and Massive MIMO Wireless Communication, Neural Network Based Modeling for 5G and 6G Communication Networks, Biomedical Signal/Image Processing

Ph. D. Candidates : 06 (Awarded), 04(Continuing)
M. Tech. Candidates : 03(Awarded)
  1. Best Volunteer Award for IEEE Bhubaneswar Subsection on 23 December 2024
  2. Organizing Committee Member IEEE Future Networks 2nd Massive MIMO Workshop, 3-5 October 2023
  3. Technical Program Committee Memmber IET DPSP Conference 2024, 4-7 March ,Machester, UK
  4. Chair and Vice-Chair Technical Activities, IEEE Bhubaneswar Subsection
  5. IEEE Senior Member in 2015
  6. EC Member and Student Activity Chair in IEEE Bhubaneswar Subsection
  1. Senior Member IEEE
  2. Life Member ISTE
  1. FPGA Based Power Quality Estimator For Smart Grid Applications, DST, Govt. of Odisha, 2022-2025, Ongoing at Dept. of ETC, VSSUT, Burla, Principal Investigator(9.98 Lakhs)
  2. Successfully Completed the Consultancy Work on "GAGAN Satellite enabled GPS PDAs" for Dept. of Forest, Govt. of Odisha during 2015-16 on behalf of Dept. of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering Dept., IIIT Bhubaneswar,Odisha.

International Publications

  1. P. K. Ray, H. K. Sahoo, A. Mohanty, J. K. Bhutto, A. B. Barnawi and A. A. Alshaya, "Robust H-Infinity Filter and PSO-SVM Based Monitoring of Power Quality Disturbances System," in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 39041-39057, 2024, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3367727
  2. Sahoo, S., Sahoo, H.K., Nanda, S. et al. Extreme learning machine and correntropy criterion-based hybrid precoder for 5G wireless communication systems. SIViP 18 (Suppl 1), 935–944 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-024-03205-1
  3. Ghadei, L., Sahoo, H.K. Spatial modulation and recurrent neural network based equalizer for MIMO communication systems. Int. j. inf. tecnol. 16, 4573–4587 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s41870-024-02063-x
  4. S. Sarangi, N. P. Rath and H. K. Sahoo, "A Comparative Study of Filters for Denoising Mammograms," 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), Hubli, India, 2021, pp. 1-5, doi: 10.1109/CONIT51480.2021.9498526.
  5. R. N. Patro, H. K. Sahoo and P. K. Biswal, "Dual Histogram Based RVIN detector and Hybrid Gaussian Filter," 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 2021, pp. 1-8, doi: 10.1109/GUCON50781.2021.9573672
  6. H.K.Sahoo et al., "INGR Roadmap Massive MIMO Chapter," 2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Montreal, QC, Canada, 2022, pp. 1-51, doi: 10.1109/FNWF55208.2022.00138
  7. H. K.Sahoo et al., "INGR Roadmap Massive MIMO Chapter," 2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Baltimore, MD, USA, 2023, pp. 1-70, doi: 10.1109/FNWF58287.2023.10520592.
  8. L. Ghadei and H. K. Sahoo, "BER Performance Analysis For Outdoor Wireless Channels Using Low Complexity Neural Equalizer," 2024 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Control, Instrumentation, Energy & Communication (CIEC), Kolkata, India, 2024, pp. 367-371, doi: 10.1109/CIEC59440.2024.10468249
  9. Umamani Subudhi, Harish Kumar Sahoo, "Adaptive estimation of sequence components for three-phase unbalanced system using fractional LMS/F algorithm" , Springer Electrical Engineering, Volume 104, pages 1757–1768, 2022
  10. Swetaleena Sahoo, Harish Kumar Sahoo, Sarita Nanda, "Energy efficient equalizer design for MIMO OFDM communication systems using improved split complex extreme learning machine", Springer Signal, Image and Video Processing,Volume 16, pp. 349–357, 2022
  11. Madhusmita Sahoo, Harish Kumar Sahoo, "Performance Analysis of 5 G Wireless Hybrid Precoding Using Evolutionary Algorithms", Springer Journal of Bionic Engineering, Volume 20, pp. 2317–2330, 2023
  12. Swetaleena Sahoo, Manidipa Sarkar, Harish Kumar Sahoo & Sarita Nanda, "Multiuser hybrid precoder design using logarithmic hyperbolic filtering for millimeter wave communication systems", Volume 30, pp.139–150, 2024
  13. Madhusmita Sahoo, Harish Kumar Sahoo, "Optimal multiuser uplink data detection for 5G communication networks", Springer International Journal of Information Technology, Volume 16, pp. 1407–1418, 2024
  14. PK Ray, HK Sahoo, A Mohanty, J khan Bhutto, ABA Barnawi, AA Alshaya, "Robust H-infinity Filter and PSO-SVM Based Monitoring of Power Quality Disturbances system" IEEE Access, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2024.3367727
  15. S.Sarangi,N.P. Rath, H.K.Sahoo, "Mammogram Mass Segmentation and Detection using Legendre Neural Network based Optimal Threshold" Accepted in Springer Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 2021
  16. Patro, R. N., Subudhi, S., Biswal, P. K., Dell’Acqua, F., & Sahoo, H. K. (2021). Error removal by energy scaling from hyperspectral images for performance improvement of spectral classifiers. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 42(20), 7863–7879. https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2021.1966851
  17. B. Mohanty, H.K.Sahoo, “Efficient Beamformer for Low Mobility Indoor Communication Using Sparse Adaptive Algorithm”, Springer Wireless Personal Communications,vol.116, issue 5 pages1621–1637,2021, 10.1007/s11277-020-07752-x
  18. B. Mohanty, H.K.Sahoo, B.Patnaik, “Wireless channel estimation and beamforming by using block sparse adaptive filtering”, Springer Signal, Image and Video Processing, 2020,https://doi.org/10.1007/s11760-020-01795-0
  19. Ram Narayan Patro, Subhashree Subudhi, Pradyut Kumar Biswal, FabioDell’Acqua , Harish Kumar Sahoo, "Conditional nearest regularized subspace classifiers: a fast classification approach for HSI" International Journal of Remote Sensing(Taylor and Francis), vol. 40, issue 24,2019, https://doi.org/10.1080/01431161.2019.1629717
  20. B.Mohanty,Harish K. Sahoo, and B.Patnaik, "Block NLMS/F Equalizer Design and Channel Capacity Analysis for Indoor IEEE 802.11 Fading Wireless Channels", Springer Signal, Image and Video Processing, vol.13,pp. 693-701, 2019, DOI: 10.1007/s11760-018-1398-2
  21. Harish K. Sahoo, B.Mohanty and B.Patnaik, "Block and Fast Block Sparse Adaptive Filtering for Outdoor Wireless Channel Estimation and Equalization", Springer Wireless Personal Communications,vol. 98,issue 3, pp.3003-3019, 2018
  22. U.Subudhi , Harish K. Sahoo and Sajeev K. Mishra, “Harmonics and Decaying DC Estimation Using Volterra LMS/F Algorithm” IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications,vol. 54,issue 2, pp.1108-1118, Mar-Apr 2018
  23. U.Subudhi , Harish K. Sahoo and Sajeev K. Mishra, " Tracking of power quality disturbances using sparse model–based extended Kalman filters", International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing(Wiley), vol. 32,issue 10, pp. 1489-1507, Oct. 2018
  24. H.K. Sahoo and P.K. Dash, “Tracking of non-stationary distorted power signals using complex H∞ filter”, Inderscience International Journal of Automation and Control, vol. 5,pp. 22-43,2011
  25. H.K. Sahoo ,P.K. Dash and N.P. Rath, “Frequency estimation of distorted non-stationary signals using complex H∞ filter”, Elsevier, International Journal of Electronics and Communications, vol. 66,pp.267-274,2012
  26. H.K. Sahoo, P.K. Dash and N.P. Rath, “NARX model based nonlinear dynamic system identification using low complexity neural networks and robust H∞ filter” Elsevier Applied Soft Computing, vol. 13, pp.3324-3334, 2013
  27. Harish K. Sahoo and P.K. Dash, “Robust Estimation of Power quality disturbances using unscented H∞ filter”, Elsevier International journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 73, pp.438-447, 2015

International Conferences

  1. Ram Narayan Patro, Harish Kumar Sahoo, P.K. Biswal, "Dual Histogram Based RVIN detector and Hybrid Gaussian Filter ",2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON)Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. Sunita Sarangi, Nrusingha Prasad Rath, Harish Kumar Sahoo, "A comparative study of filters for denoising mammograms", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Technologies (CONIT), pp. 1-5,Hubli, India
  3. Umamani Subudhi, Harish Kumar Sahoo, "Adaptive Power Quality Estimation for Smart Grid Applications using Secant Cost Based Fractional Algorithm" ,2021 IEEE 12th Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition-Asia (ECCE-Asia),Singapore
  4. Swetaleena Sahoo, Sarita Nanda, Harish Kumar Sahoo, "MIMO-OFDM Outdoor Channel Estimation Using Sparse Momentum Fractional Adaptive Filter", Proceedings of International Conference on Communication, Circuits, and Systems: IC3S 2020, pp. 549-557,2020
  5. B. Mohanty, H. K. Sahoo and B. Patnaik, "Neural Network and Sparse Block Processing Based Nonlinear Adaptive Equalizer for MIMO OFDM Communication Systems," TENCON 2018 - 2018 IEEE Region 10 Conference, Jeju, Korea (South), 2018, pp. 0224-0228, doi: 10.1109/TENCON.2018.8650367.
  6. S. Sahoo, S. Nanda and H. K. Sahoo, "Adaptive NonLinear Equalizer for SISO Wireless Channels.," 2018 International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics, Signal Processing and Communication (AESPC), Bhubaneswar, India, 2018, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/AESPC44649.2018.9033351.
  7. S. Acharya, U. Subudhi, H. K. Sahoo and A. Jena, "Symmetrical Components Estimation of Unbalanced Three Phase Power System Using MO- ADALINE Structure and Hermite Polynomial Based Gauss Newton Algorithm," 2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), Delhi, India, 2018, pp. 516-521, doi: 10.1109/ICPEICES.2018.8897496.
  8. S. Pattanaik, U. Subudhi, H. K. Sahoo and S. Panigrahi, "Frequency Estimation of Unbalanced Three Phase Power System Using Legendre Polynomial Based Gauss Newton Algorithm," 2018 2nd IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES), Delhi, India, 2018, pp. 588-592, doi: 10.1109/ICPEICES.2018.8897348.
  9. S. Sarangi, N. P. Rath and Harish Kumar Sahoo, "Adaptive Denoising of Images using Single Layer Neural Network and Normalized Signed Regressor LMS Algorithm," 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Bombay, India, 2019, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/I2CT45611.2019.9033742
  10. M. Sahoo and H. K. Sahoo, "Adaptive Channel Estimation & Capacity Analysis for MIMO OFDM Communication in Urban and Sub-urban Environments Using Sparse Diffusion LMS Algorithm," 2019 IEEE 5th International Conference for Convergence in Technology (I2CT), Bombay, India, 2019, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/I2CT45611.2019.9033748.
  11. M. Sahoo and H. K. Sahoo, "Robust Variable Power Fractional LMP Based Channel Estimation For MIMO Fading Wireless Systems," 2020 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), Kolkata, India, 2020, pp. 50-53, doi: 10.1109/CALCON49167.2020.9106502
  12. S. Samal, H. K. Sahoo and M. Sahoo, "Realization of Adaptive Beamformer for Angle of Arrival Estimation using FPGA and Xilinx System Generator," 2020 IEEE Calcutta Conference (CALCON), Kolkata, India, 2020, pp. 25-29, doi: 10.1109/CALCON49167.2020.9106470
  13. L. Ghadei and H. K. Sahoo, "Performance Comparison of Neural Network based Equalizers for Wireless Communication Channels," 2020 IEEE Applied Signal Processing Conference (ASPCON), Kolkata, India, 2020, pp. 75-79, doi: 10.1109/ASPCON49795.2020.9276686


  1. Organizing Committee Member IEEE Future Networks 2nd Massive MIMO Workshop, 3-5 October 2023
Analytic Hierarchy Process Based Image Processing Systems, South African Patent Granted with Patent Number 2022/04044
  1. Ram Narayan Patro, Subhashree Subudhi, Pradyut Kumar Biswal, & Harish Kumar Sahoo, "Probabilistic Histogram-Based Band Selection and Its Effect on Classification of Hyperspectral Images", Springer Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing(AISC) Book Series, vol.816, pp.559-570, Dec. 2018
  2. P.Ray, H.K.Sahoo, G.K. Budumuru, "Adaptive estimation and tracking of power quality disturbances with classification for smart grid applications", Decision Making Applications in Modern Power Systems, Elesevier Academic Press, pp. 153-179,2020
  1. Convener of Workshop on Advances in Signal processing for Power, Control & communication (ASPCC), IIIT BBSR,-2013, 27th -29th June
  2. Convener of A Workshop on Image and Signal processing Applications using Xilinx System Generator ,IIIT BBSR,-2014, 19th-20th June
  3. Convener of AICTE QIP Short Term Course on Signal Processing for Wireless Communication and Sensor Networks (SPWCSN-2018), 30.04.2018 to 05.05.2018
  4. Co-Convener of TEQIP-III Sponsored Short Term Training Program on Recent Research Developments and Challenges in Communication and Navigation Technologies Jointy organized by Osmania University Hyderabad and VSSUT, Burla, 25-29 February 2020
  1. Branch Counselor IEEE Student Branch, IIIT Bhubaneswar from 2011 to October 2016
  2. Asst. Hostel Warden at IIIT Bhubaneswar till October 2016
  3. Branch Coordinator ETC Branch form 2011-2014, IIIT Bhubaneswar
  4. PIC Telecomm. Center, VSSUT, Burla, 2017-2020
  5. VP Technical Societies, VSSUT, Burla,  Oct. 2018
  6. PIC Library, VSSUT, Burla, August 2019
  7. PIC and Coordinator Veer Surendra Sai Space Innovation Center(MoU with ISRO)
  8. Branch Counselor IEEE Student Branch, VSSUT, Burla
  9. Associate Dean Faculty and Planning,
  10. Head, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering till Date
  11. Dean Faculty and Planning from Date01.07.2024
  • Reviewer of Articles from Following  Reputed  International Journals 
    1. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
    2. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement
    3. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
    4. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
    5. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
    6. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems
    7. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
    8. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing
    9. IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems
    10. IEEE Open Journal of Signal Processing
    11. IEEE Access
    12. IEEE Communication Letters
    13. IEEE Transactions Fuzzy Systems
    14. IET Communication
    15. Elsevier International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems(IJEPES)
    16. Elsevier International Journal of Electronics and Communications(AEUE)
    17. Elsevier ISA Transaction
    18. Elsevier Digital Signal Processing
    19. Elsevier Journal of Franklin Institute
    20. Elsevier Expert Systems with Applications
    21. Elsevier Ocean Engineering
    22. Elsevier Digital Signal Processing
    23. Elsevier Information Fusion
    24. Elsevier Expert Systems with Applications
    25. Elsevier Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing
    26. Elsevier Physical Communication
    27. Taylor and Francis Electric Power Components and Systems
    28. Taylor and Francis Cybernetics and Systems
    29. Taylor and Francis Automatika
    30. Springer ZUSC
    31. Springer Wireless Personal Communication
    32. Springer Signal, Image and Video Processing
    33. Springer Journal of Bionic Engineering
    34. Wiley Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
    35. Wiley International Journal of Communication Systems
Present Address : 
Quarter No. 5R/2, Professor Colony-II, Phandi Chowk, Burla, Sambalpur-768018, Odisha
  Permanent Address : 
AT- Gobindapur, P.O.-Ghutur, Dist-Keonjhar,Pin-758002, Odisha