ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Sanjay Agrawal


Qualification : Ph.D., Sambalpur University, India (2015); M.Tech., Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, UCE Burla, India (2003); B.E., Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, UCE Burla, India (1995)

Specialization : Communication System Engineering (M.Tech)

Ph.D., Sambalpur University, India (2015); M.Tech., Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, UCE Burla, India (2003); B.E., Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, UCE Burla, India (1995)

Communication System Engineering (M.Tech)

Professor Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, VSSUT, Burla, India (April 2018 - onwards) Associate Professor Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, VSSUT, Burla, India (April 2015 - April 2018) Reader Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, VSSUT, Burla, India (January 2009 - April 2015) Lecturer Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, VSSUT, Burla, India (January 2006 - January 2009)

Graduate Level : Basic Electronics, Analog Electronic Circuits, Digital Electronic Circuits, Advanced Electronic Circuits, Digital Signal Processing, Digital Image Processing, Computer Networks, Information Theory and Coding, Cryptography and Network Security
Post Graduate Level : Communication Networks and Switching, Error Control Coding and Cryptography, Digital Image and Video Processing, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Advanced Signal Processing

Image/Signal Processing, Soft Computing, Medical Image Processing

Ph. D. Candidates : 04 (degree awarded), 03 (in progress)
M. Tech. Candidates : 17 (degree awarded)
  1. Reviewer Certificate from IET-IMAGE PROCESSING, IJIST-Wiley
  2. High Citation Research Certificate from SWEVO, Elsevier
1. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE), Member (94411422) 2. Indian Society for Technical Education (ISTE), Life Member (LM57994) 3. Association of Computer, Electronics & Electrical Engineers (ACEEE), Life Member (7000385)
  1. Research project sponsored by TEQIP-III, VSSUT, Burla
  2. Seed Grant project sponsored by TEQIP-II, VSSUT, Burla
  3. Projects Applied to SERB, AICTE INDIA

International Publications

  1. "Chaudhary, Bhawesh K; Agrawal, Sanjay; Mishro, Pranaba K; Dora, Lingraj; Mahapatra, Sakambhari; Panda, Rutuparna; ",A novel brightness preserving gradient based joint histogram equalization technique for mammogram image contrast enhancement, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, Preprint,1-16, 2024,IOS Press
  2. "Mishro, Pranaba K; Agrawal, Sanjay; Panda, Rutuparna; Dora, Lingraj; Abraham, Ajith; "Intensity inhomogeneity correction in brain MRI: a systematic review of techniques, current trends and future challenges", Neural Computing and Applications,1-18, 2024, Springer
  3. 2022
  4. PK Parida, Lingraj Dora, M. Swain, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda: Data science methodologies in smart healthcare: a review, Health and Technology (page nos 1-6, year 2022).
  5. Gyanesh Das, Rutuparna Panda, Leena Samantaray, Sanjay Agrawal “A Novel Non-Entropic Objective Function for Multilevel Optimal Threshold Selection Using Adaptive Equilibrium Optimizer”, “Iranian Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering” (page nos – 2230, year 2022).
  6. Lingraj Dora, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “An efficient multiclass classifier for classification of Alzheimer's disease/mild cognitive impairment/Normal subjects”, “International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. no. – 32(2)” (page nos – 629-641, year 2022).
  7. G. Das, Rutuparna Panda, Leena Samantaray, Sanjay Agrawal “A Novel Segmentation Error Minimization-Based Method for Multilevel Optimal Threshold Selection Using Opposition Equilibrium Optimizer”, “International Journal of Image and Graphics” (page nos – 2350021, year 2022).
  8. Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Pratikshya Choudhury, Ajith Abraham “Dominant color component and adaptive whale optimization algorithm for multilevel thresholding of color images”, “Knowledge-Based Systems, vol. no. - 240” (page nos– 108172, year 2022).
  9. Shakambari Mahapatra, Sanjay Agrawal “An optimal statistical feature‐based transformation function for enhancement of retinal images using adaptive enhanced leader particle swarm optimization”, “International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. no. – 32(6)” (page nos – 2163-2183, year 2022).
  10. M. Swain, TT Tripathy, Rutuparna Panda, Sanjay Agrawal, Ajith Abraham “Differential exponential entropy-based multilevel threshold selection methodology for colour satellite images using equilibrium-cuckoo search optimizer”, “Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. no. - 109” (page nos - 104599, year 2022).
  11. Bikash Meher, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Lingraj Dora, Ajith Abraham “Visible and infrared image fusion using an efficient adaptive transition region extraction technique”, “Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, vol. no. - 29” (page nos – 101037, year 2022).
  12. Shakambari Mahapatra, Sanjay Agrawal, Pranaba K. Mishro, Ram Bilas Pachori “A novel framework for retinal vessel segmentation using optimal improved frangi filter and adaptive weighted spatial FCM”, “Computers in Biology and Medicine, vol. no. - 147” (page nos – 105770, year 2022).
  13. 2021
  14. Rutuparna Panda, Leena Samantaray, A. Das, Sanjay Agrawal, Ajith Abraham “A novel evolutionary row class entropy based optimal multi-level thresholding technique for brain MR images”, “Expert Systems with Applications” (page nos – 114426, year 2021).
  15. Pranaba K. Mishro, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “A novel brightness preserving joint histogram equalization technique for contrast enhancement of brain MR images”, “Biocybernetics and Biomedical Engineering, vol. no. – 41(2)” (page nos – 540-553, year 2021).
  16. Pranaba K. Mishro, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “A Survey on State-of-the-Art Denoising Techniques for Brain Magnetic Resonance Images”, “IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, vol. no. - 15” (page nos – 184-199, year 2021).
  17. Bikash Meher, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “A region based remote sensing image fusion using anisotropic diffusion process”, “International Journal of Image and Data Fusion” (page nos – 1-25, year 2021).
  18. 2020
  19. Bikash Meher, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Lingraj Dora, Ajith Abraham “A novel region‐based multimodal image fusion technique using improved dictionary learning”, “International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology, vol. no. – 30(3)” (page nos – 558-576, year 2020).
  20. A. Das, Sanjay Agrawal, Leena Samantaray, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “State-of-the Art Optimal Multilevel Thresholding Methods for Brain MR Image Analysis”, “Rev. d'Intelligence Artif., vol. no. – 34(3)” (page nos – 243-256, year 2020).
  21. Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Leena Samantaray, Ajith Abraham “A novel automated absolute intensity difference based technique for optimal MR brain image thresholding”, “Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences, vol. no. – 32(9)” (page nos – 1045-1054, year 2020).
  22. Pranaba K. Mishro, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “Novel fuzzy clustering‐based bias field correction technique for brain magnetic resonance images”, “IET Image Processing, vol. no. – 14(9)” (page nos – 1929-1936, year 2020).
  23. Pranaba K. Mishro, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “A novel type-2 fuzzy C-means clustering for brain MR image segmentation”, “IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, vol. no. - 51(8)” (page nos – 3901-3912, year 2020).
  24. 2019
  25. Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Swati Kumari, Lingraj Dora, Ajith Abraham “A New Hybrid Multifocus Image Fusion Model Using Single Optimum Gabor Filter”, “Rev. d'Intelligence Artif., vol. no. – 33(2)” (page nos - 111-118, year 2019).
  26. Bikash Meher, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “A survey on region based image fusion methods, vol. no.-48”, “Information Fusion” (page nos – 119-132, year 2019).
  27. Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Pranaba K. Mishro, Ajith Abraham “A novel joint histogram equalization based image contrast enhancement”, “Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences” (page nos – 1172-1182, year 2019).
  28. 2018
  29. Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “A novel diagonal class entropy-based multilevel image thresholding using coral reef optimization”, “IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. no. – 50(11)” (page nos- 4688-96, year 2018).
  30. Lingraj Dora, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “Nested cross-validation based adaptive sparse representation algorithm and its application to pathological brain classification”, “Expert Systems with Applications, vol. no. - 114” (page nos – 313-321, year 2018).
  31. 2017
  32. Rutuparna Panda, Sanjay Agrawal, Leena Samantaray, Ajith Abraham “An evolutionary gray gradient algorithm for multilevel thresholding of brain MR images using soft computing techniques”, “Applied Soft Computing, vol. no. - 50” (page nos – 94-108, year 2017).
  33. Rutuparna Panda, Sanjay Agrawal, Madhusmita Sahoo, R. Nayak “A novel evolutionary rigid body docking algorithm for medical image registration”, “Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. no. - 33” (page nos – 108-118, year 2017).
  34. Lingraj Dora, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “State-of-the-art methods for brain tissue segmentation: A review”, “IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, vol. no. - 10” (page nos – 235-249, year 2017).
  35. Lingraj Dora, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “Optimal breast cancer classification using Gauss–Newton representation based algorithm”, “Expert Systems with Applications, vol. no. - 85” (page nos – 134- 145, year 2017).
  36. Lingraj Dora, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham “An evolutionary single Gabor kernel based filter approach to face recognition”, “Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, vol. no. - 62” (page nos – 286-301, year 2017).
  37. 2014
  38. Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Lingraj Dora “A study on fuzzy clustering for magnetic resonance brain image segmentation using soft computing approaches”, “Applied Soft Computing, vol. no.- 24” (page nos – 522-533, year 2014).
  39. 2013
  40. Rutuparna Panda, Sanjay Agrawal, Sudipta Bhuyan “Edge magnitude based multilevel thresholding using Cuckoo search technique”, “Expert Systems with Applications, vol. no. - 40(18)” (page nos – 7617-7628, year 2013).
  41. Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Sudipta Bhuyan, Bijaya K. Panigrahi, Tsallis entropy based optimal multilevel thresholding using cuckoo search algorithm, Swarm and Evolutionary Computation, vol. no. - 11 (page nos 16-30, 2013).

International Conferences

  1. BFO-ICA based multi focus image fusion, Sanjay Agrawal, S Swain, Lingraj Dora, 2013/4/16 Conference, 2013 IEEE Symposium on Swarm Intelligence (SIS), Pages 194-199, Publisher IEEE
  2. An efficient algorithm for gray level image enhancement using cuckoo search, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, 2012/12/20 Conference, International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, Pages 82-89, Publisher Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
  3. An efficient algorithm for multi-focus image fusion using PSO-ICA, Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda, Lingaraj Dora, 2011/12/19 Conference, International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, Pages 159-166, Publisher Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
  4. EBFS-ICA: An efficient algorithm for CT-MRI image fusion, Rutuparna Panda, Sanjay Agrawal, 2010/12/16 Conference, International Conference on Swarm, Evolutionary, and Memetic Computing, Pages 351-361, Publisher Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg
  1. BikashMeher,Sanjay Agrawal,P K Mishro "A region based optimal multifocus image fusion scheme","International Conference on Recent Innovations in Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICRIEECE)" (page nos - 1-5, year 2018).
  2. Lingaraj Dora,Sanjay Agrawal,Rutuparna Panda "Brain tumor extraction using optimal Gabor wavelet and Otsu’s thresholding", "International Conference on recent innovations in electrical, electronics and communication engineering (ICRIEECE)" (page nos - 1-6, year - 2018).
  3. Lingaraj Dora,Sanjay Agrawal,Rutuparna Panda, Ajith Abraham "A Novel Optimal Gabor Algorithm for Face Classification", "7th International Conference on Soft Computing for Problem Solving (SocProS)" (page nos - 1-6, year 2017).
  4. P K Mishro,S Agrawal, L Dora,R Panda "A fuzzy C-means clustering approach to HMRF-EM model For MRI brain tissue segmentation" , "Computer Applications In Electrical Engineering-Recent Advances (CERA)" (page nos - 1-6, year 2017).
  5. Lingaraj Dora,Sanjay Agrawal,Rutuparna Panda "Gauss-Newton Representation Based Algorithm for Magnetic Resonance Brain Image Classification" , "Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, SPRINGER, Vol. 736, ISSN: 2194-5357 (page nos - 294-304, year 2018).
  6. Sanjay Agrawal, Leena Samantaray, Rutuparna Panda "A novel hybrid CS-BFO algorithm for optimal multilevel image thresholding using edge magnitude information", "Hybrid Soft Computing for Image Segmentation" SPRINGER,ISBN: 978-331947223-2;978-331947222-5 (page nos - 53-85 , year 2016).
  7. Lingaraj Dora,Sanjay Agrawal,Rutuparna Panda "BFO-RLDA: A New Classification Scheme for Face Images Using Probabilistic Reasoning Model", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8297, SPRINGER,ISSN:0302-9743" (page nos - 88-97 , year 2013).
  8. Sanjay Agrawal, S.Swain, L.Dora "BFO-ICA based multi focus image fusion", "IEEE Symposium on Swarm Intelligence (SIS),ISBN:, 978-1-4673-6004-3", (page nos - 194-199, year 2013).
  9. Sanjay Agrawal,Rutuparna Panda "An Efficient Algorithm for Gray Level Image Enhancement Using Cuckoo Search ", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7677, ISSN:0302-9743 SPRINGER", (page nos - 82-89, year 2012).
  10. Sanjay Agrawal, Rutuparna Panda,Lingaraj Dora "An Efficient Algorithm for Multi-focus Image Fusion Using PSO-ICA ", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7076,ISSN:0302-9743 SPRINGER", (page nos - 159-166, year 2011).
  11. Rutuparna Panda,Sanjay Agrawal "EBFS-ICA: An Efficient Algorithm for CT-MRI Image Fusion. ", "Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6466,ISSN:0302-9743 SPRINGER", (page nos - 351-361, year 2010).
03 Nos
Dean, Academic Affairs (2022 onwards) Member in various Committees of the University
  • Head of the Department (2011-2014)
  • Nodal Officer, Procurement, TEQIP II (2012-2016)
  • PIC Alumni Relations (2013-2022)
  • PIC Central Stores and Purchase (2019-2021)
  • Member OJEE Committee (2015, 2014, 2009 and 2008)
  • Reviewer of different Journals/Conferences
Present Address : 
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering, VSSUT, Burla-768018
  Permanent Address : 
Near Balaji Temple, Khetrajpur, Sambalpur Odisha-768003